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Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counselling
1 hr1 hCottonwood Creek Road
88 US dollars
Service Description
Let's get together and talk about how implementing aspects of ayurvedic dinacharya (daily regimen) and / or elements of yoga, meditation and pranayama practices can enhance your life! This meeting will last an hour and will be followed up with a personal email from Emilie with a list of recommendations on how you can use ayurveda's ancient wisdom to balance your doshas. From there we can schedule other time to work together whether we set up a 1:1 yoga session, or another meeting to talk about your recommendations or results. Just know that the initial meeting is just where we begin to understand how we can work together to help you to lead a more balanced life!
Contact Details
80 Cottonwood Creek Rd, Crestone, CO, USA
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